Tuesday, June 7, 2011


In this activity, we were assigned to choose 6 differrent objects and dimension all of them and then place the objects on Tittle Blocks pages.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Wrist band

Activity 1.4.2 Making Sketches in CAD, we used the sketch tools to place our names on a sketch plane that was located tangent to the outside surface of a wrist band model. Emboss is a function that allows the user to raise a design from a surface, or carve a design into a surface. This function requires a feature and a profile, such as the wrist band and text. We used the emboss function to project the text down onto the surface of the wrist band, and extruded the letters a distance of .02 inch.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Water Bottle Model

. In Activity 1.4.2 Making Sketches in CAD, we used the sketch tools to insert a JPG graphic onto a sketch plane that was located tangent to the outside surface of a water bottle model.  Decal is a function that allows the user to place an image onto a model surface. This function requires a feature and sketch, such as the water bottle and the logo graphic pictured above. Graphics must be either JPG or BMP formats. We used the decal function to wrap the image around the surface of the water bottle.


The coil function allows the user to extrude a closed profile along a helical path and around an existing axis. The axis may be an existing edge, a sketched line, or a work axis. We used the coil function to turn the existing circle into a spring form by coiling it around the Y axis of the Cartesian coordinate grid. The Y axis must be selected from the origin folder in the browser bar. The spring will have a height of 6 inches and the circle will revolve around the Y axis a total of five times.

Rib Support

A rib is a relatively thin flat member that acts as a brace support. It is also referred to as a web. The rib function allows the user to place such a support between two intersecting surfaces. A line profile has been created on a work plane that exists midway through the object. We used the rib function to turn this line profile into a .125 inch support web between the two perpendicular surfaces.