Friday, February 25, 2011

History of Measurement project

During winter break, my teacher assigned us a project which was 'History of Measurement'. We had to answer questions about the history of measurement like what was it and what was the significance of it. I placed everything on a poster and then i created a bookjacket of all the questions and answers.

Innovation of the Cup

In this project, 'Innovation of the Cup', my partner and i created a sketch of a innovated cup, that we came up with, in our engineers notebook and then we transfered it to poster paper to make it visible to others. We then contructed our innovated cup on the computer using the program Inventor.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

This is called "The Evolution of the Cell Phone". As an assignment, my class including myself had to choose an object and explain how it has been innovated from time to time. I chose to talk about something us individuals use daily which is the cell phone.